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Transactional SMS For Business: Essential

What Is Transactional SMS For Business?

These are not promotional communications sent to your customers or potential customers to encourage them to purchase. On the contrary, they have an informative nature. Let’s see together the main features, the advantages, and the examples of use.

Which SMS Can Be Considered Transactional?

They can be considered transactional; those informative SMS communicate something and act as a notification. They do not aim to make customers undertake commercial actions or to promote a product or service. To better understand, let’s see what types of communication can be considered transactional SMS for business. All SMS sent for:

  1. Remember appointments
  2. Confirm reservations
  3. Notify deadlines
  4. Send alerts and warnings.
  5. Send activation codes or passwords.
  6. Communicate emergencies
  7. Send service communications (change of address, opening times, telephone number).
  8. Send test results
  9. Monitor automated systems.
  10. Confirm order acceptance, delivery status, payment, etc.

They are considered transactional SMS. As you can see from the long list, these SMS can be used in different types of businesses, and their most significant advantage is that they make communications with customers more efficient, offer a high-quality service, and make their lives easier. Plus, they allow the company to save time, money, and resources.

Why Automate Communication With Your Customers?

Predicting the sending of transactional SMS for your business is essential to speeding it up and is convenient for both parties, as seen from what has been said so far. We can look at their use from a win-win perspective, in which both the customer and the company gain.

Transactional SMS For Medical Centers

Let’s think, for example, of a medical center. One of the problems that most affects these facilities is undoubtedly no-showing, which occurs when patients book the visit and then do not show up, a tremendous waste of time and money on the part of the center.

Reminding your patients of the appointment with a transactional SMS, which automatically starts 48 or 24 hours before the visit, can ensure that users have time to reschedule the visit, if necessary, or remember it and organize consequences. On the company side, using these SMS means that it will not be necessary to provide for the presence of staff responsible for calling patients or sending them other types of communication, such as reminders.

Transactional SMS For Testing Centers

Transactional SMS is a handy tool for speeding up procedures; today, many centers provide online consultations of medical reports and blood tests. This way, a large amount of paper is saved, and there are no queues in the center to collect the reports.

However, it would be impossible to provide this service if the patient was not promptly notified by a transactional SMS when the results were ready and available for consultation. The transactional SMS received not only acts as an alert but also contains a username and password to access the results even more quickly in complete safety and store them for the future.

Transactional SMS For E-Commerce

But these are just some examples of the usefulness of transactional SMS; we are thinking of an e-commerce that offers customers both the shipping of products and delivery to the store.

In this case, transactional SMS will be necessary so that the customer always remains informed about the status of his order, starting from payment confirmation up to the communication of the tracking number or the notice that the item is available in store for collection. This not only reassures the customer but also lightens the work of the customer care department.

Transactional SMS For Business: A Question Of Synergy

To make these short messages work, there must be close collaboration between the technical and marketing departments in the company. It is wrong to think they should be delegated to those who make the “machine work.” The marketing team will have to collaborate in drafting the messages to be coherent, clear, and concise. 

On the other hand, the technical department, with the free APIs, will allow you to integrate your management software, CRM, etc., quickly and easily. In a short time, you can start sending and automating messages to your customers and automating them. Transactional SMS for business: a small investment for a significant return in terms of service offered to the customer and in terms of saving time and money for the company.

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