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Autonomous Mobile Robots: Towards Multifunctionality

The sales volume of this type of robotic system reached a value of 2.1 billion in 2020, according to a survey by Verified Market Research, which predicts a growth in turnover to reach 8.7 billion dollars by 2028. For many years, robots have been designed to perform one and only one task. However, several companies in the sector are proposing a change of approach. Against the single-task logic, it is above all the autonomous mobile robots (Autonomous Mobile Robots – AMR) that take on multi-functional characteristics.

Strongly Growing AMR Market

The market for autonomous mobile robots is a rapidly developing market. The sales volume of this robotic system reached a value of 2.1 billion in 2020, according to a survey by Verified Market Research, which predicts a growth in turnover to reach 8.7 billion dollars by 2028. The International Federation of Robotics expresses itself along the same lines, underlining the boom of autonomous mobile robots with double-digit growth and the revolution brought about by mobility that is reshaping the robotics sector. 

The factors that most drive the AMR market are the expansion of automation and robotics in various sectors, technological improvements, the application of mobile robots in many fields besides the most tested ones, and the greater awareness of the advantages of their introduction in emerging countries.

Characteristics And Evolution Of Autonomous Mobile Robots

There are several areas in which this type of machine is spreading. Traditionally, autonomous mobile robots – which have only become commercially available in the last decade despite this technology having been the subject of research since the previous century (one of the first patents dates back to 1987 ) – have been used in industrial environments to transport materials within the establishment.

 Unlike automatic guided vehicles (AGVs – Automated Guided Vehicles), which represent an evolution, AMRs can move in a given space autonomously. These vehicles are equipped with sensors, cameras, 3D lasers, accelerometers and gyroscopes but also have integrated AI technology, mainly focused on machine learning and vision systems.

Thanks to artificial intelligence and a compatible AI network to which they remain connected, autonomous mobile robots can navigate, avoiding high-traffic areas and react appropriately in front of an obstacle, preventing possible collisions. 

Unlike an AVG, which moves on a predefined path and often requires operator control, an AMR navigates autonomously by building maps of where it moves. The array of sensors it is equipped with allows an autonomous mobile robot to discern its surroundings by interacting and collaborating with humans and other machines, which implies an ever-increasing number of decisions to be made.

In perspective, it is possible to implement the intelligence of autonomous robots both on the machine and acting on the cloud. Furthermore, AMR vehicles adapt perfectly to the new scenario of the smart factory and could represent one of the critical elements that help the industry transition towards this goal. The strength of autonomous mobile robots is not only their reliability and efficiency in performing repetitive tasks without human assistance.

But it also consists of increasing operational safety in the environments of use minimizing damage to people and things. AMRs are becoming lighter and more flexible, extending their range for indoor and outdoor tasks. Their application has expanded considerably beyond the boundaries of the leading manufacturing, logistics and maritime (container terminal) sectors.

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AMRs are adopted by the industrial sector and healthcare, delivery, hotel, domestic and security services as they can perform a broader range of functions.

Various Types Of Use Of Autonomous Mobile Robots

In addition to loading and transport activities, they can be used in assembly, warehouse management, deliveries of medicines to patients, food and luggage to hotel customers, carrying out cleaning and sanitization in private and public places, telepresence and providing shopping information, and to support police forces in patrolling urban areas.

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AMRs are adopted by the industrial sector and healthcare, delivery, hotel, domestic and security services as they can perform a broader range of functions.


Modern robots are more connected, intelligent and versatile as the idea of ​​multifunctionality takes hold. In general, robots such as Spark (Reeman), Relay+ (Savoke), Tally (Simbe) or K5 (Knightscope) are designed to serve one purpose only. However, companies like Avibots, BrainCorp and Badger are betting on a breakthrough in the direction of multi-functional AMRs.

In September 2021, Avidbots, a Canadian company specializing in industrial automation, doubled the functionality of Neo, a robot dedicated to floor cleaning, for example. By adding hardware components and updating the software, the machine can also perform environmental sanitation work, thus becoming a multi-function AMR.


Performing multiple tasks with the same machine is also the goal of Brian Corp, a global leader in the production of AI technology for autonomous mobile robots. The San Diego company, which enables over 20 thousand AMRs worldwide, the largest fleet operating in commercial public spaces, claims its position at the forefront in helping to create multi-function machines. 

In particular, combining cleaning and goods movement activities with data acquisition and control on warehouse shelves. Similarly, Badger combines shelf inspection with risk analysis work and detecting any accidental spills of goods and articles to make environments safer and cleaner.


The advantages of multifunctionality are cost savings compared to using individual disposable robots for each function. Having machines capable of performing multiple tasks also allows you to take up less space. Multi-function robots mean being able to reduce the personnel needed to keep the robotic system in production. And with cheaper robots and doing more work more efficiently, the chances of new companies being persuaded to use them increase, increasing overall installations.

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