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The Ten Best Tools To Start Developing

Developers have several tools at their disposal. We are talking about devices that are essential for each developer to carry out their activities. Between free and paid tools, the list is truly endless. For this reason, here are the ten best tools to start developing.

List Of The Ten Best Tools

There are several types of software development tools, each of which plays a specific role.


It is used for database creation and management. It is a free tool that acts as a universal database and is intended for developers and web administrators for managing a DB. Compatible with operating platforms such as Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X, it is an application based on the latest updated version of Java and supports any database that has a Java Database Connectivity ( JDBC) driver.


PhpStorm is an innovative Java-based integrated development environment ( IDE ) designed by JetBrains for PHP’s interpreted scripting language (Hypertext Preprocessor) and web developers. Fundamental to programming at a high level, with PhpStorm, it is possible to develop complex projects, mainly thanks to its numerous features.

Visual Studio Code

It is a source code editor designed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux, and macOS and usable with various programming languages, including the programming language C, F #, HTML, and other languages ​​including PHP, Java, and Ruby. Its flexibility characterizes free text editors.

Notepad ++

It is a free text editor and one of the most used and widespread thanks to its versatility and wide configurability. It can also be used for creating HTML codes. Developed with the C ++ language with Win32 and STL API, it stands out for operational stability, execution speed, and reduced memory occupation. Furthermore, it is based on Scintilla, a powerful editing component.


This is an open-source and completely free text editor tool. Developed by GitHub, it supports operating systems such as Windows, OS X, and Linux. Among its peculiarities, the intelligent autocomplete, that is, it allows developers to write code more quickly with an innovative and flexible autocomplete. It is a tool that also allows you to divide the interface into multiple panes to compare and possibly modify the code between the files.

GitLab And GitHub 

Both are version control systems for managing source code in software development. Thanks to these two platforms, developers working as a team can process the source code simultaneously and make changes while maintaining an overview of all those created. In addition, each of the changes made can be tracked and, if necessary, undone.


Born in 2012, an online community created to test and verify fragments of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code in progress. It is an open-source learning environment where novice developers have the opportunity to learn the basics of front-end web development.


It is an open-source tool characterized by the distribution and management of containers, that is, the containers within which specific applications are inserted and executed. With automated distribution, web administrators or developers can deploy software and load it in minutes, reducing time.


It is a web-based hosting service and allows the management of Git codes. Furthermore, it will enable the creation of public or private repositories, thus allowing developers to upload their code and collaborate by working on the possible revision of the same. Every operation performed on the code is saved. The purpose is to leave a trace of the operations carried out so that, should problems arise, it is possible to recover the previous version.

Azure DevOps

It is a platform used for the management of software development projects. From managing and sharing source code to continuous integration to managing project information such as requirements, bugs, test cases, and manual test execution, Azure DevOps presents itself as a fast, secure and reliable platform.


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