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The Best Apps For Android Alternative To Those Of Google

Say goodbye to Google apps on Android? Of course, it is possible: you need to know which are the best alternatives available. Separating Android from Google applications is a step not many are willing to take. Born to live in perfect symbiosis (or almost), the operating system of the robot and the apps created by Mountain View represent an extremely powerful combination, capable of meeting most of the users’ needs. 

Despite this, there is no shortage of those who have the will to experience the best possibilities offered by other big names on the market; however, it is not so easy to identify equally complete products with which to replace what is already present on your Android device and has now become commonplace. What are the alternatives to Google apps to bring a breath of fresh air on mobile and tablet? Let’s find out together.


Chrome is a choice that coexists well with the robot’s operating system when it comes to browsers. Based on Chromium, the free web browser designed and built by Google offers the possibility to browse incognito, have multiple open tabs, and above all, consult the list of mobile favorites by synchronizing the list with what is saved on your computer. 

With the same roots in common, Microsoft Edge has many elements that have made Chrome one of the top-level choices in terms of browsing the web from Android devices over time. Then, they add integrated details from Redmond, as the block of tracker and manager of passwords integrated, available at all times. Certainly, a potential competitor not to be underestimated.

Google Search

When it comes to search engines, the first that comes to mind is undoubtedly Google Search. Despite the privacy issue, many care about it. It is difficult to abandon Google’s almost incomparable offer in favor of other lesser-known solutions, although equally effective from every point of view, such as DuckDuckGo. Confidentiality is at the top with DuckDuckGo: it is certainly one of the most valid aspects of the search engine in question that satisfies even the most critical.

When you switch from the smartphone or tablet version, not only is navigation safe (putting aside the tracking of the searched terms and the results displayed, similar to what happens with its more well-known counterpart), but even the application is so rich which can also act as a replacement for Chrome to browse the web. There are also widgets to be placed on the screen to have quick access to search.


Finding a viable alternative to the main service between apps Google or Gmail may seem like a titanic. Even for the function login to other sites web on the network, is a predominant position that inevitably overshadows almost all of its rivals. Yet, there is no lack of an equally good choice on which to rely with total confidence. 

It is Outlook, an email service fielded once again by Microsoft, enriched by a proprietary application for Android that is equally valid to its web browser alternative. Functional and versatile, especially if combined with Teams or the Office package software, it has the same features as Gmail and allows the voice reading of emails received directly from the smartphone.

Google Maps

Finding a complete product like Google Maps, regardless of the platform it is used on, is extremely difficult. Many factors are involved: from the amount of information incorporated into the interface to the constant updating of traffic maps, without counting the types of views and the street view that allows you to view the route step by step directly “on the road. “.

The main rival? It’s called Osm And, and it’s an open-source application based entirely on OpenStreetMap.  Being able to reach the levels of the famous map program is very difficult. However, despite some more complexity in the use phase, it also can download maps for offline consultation. It can be purchased for 24.99 euros for a fee with additional packages ranging from 1.19 to 29.99 euros.

Google Photos

Google Photos is the service dedicated to conserving images and videos among the most used within the package offered by the company. Despite this, there is no shortage on the market of very valid alternatives to experiment within the Android environment without giving up the functionality of the original cloud service.

To be exploited immediately, whether you have an Amazon Prime subscription or not, is Amazon Photos: basic, it offers all users 5 GB of free space for everyone while, for subscribers to the service, the space becomes unlimited. Like its colleague, it offers automatic backup from the smartphone photo folder.

Google Drive

It is useful for storing files of all types and transferring large documents, given its versatility and ease of use. Yet, Google Drive is not irreplaceable: several active storage units on the network, both with access methods and a similar price. But what is the most useful option to choose?

It was among the first clouds to become famous among network users, well before the arrival of Google: its name is Dropbox, a powerful service able to offer 2TB for 9.99 euros per month; the price rises to 11.99 euros/month for 3TB. Although some of the collaboration features between users are absent, the ease of use and sharing through the Android app makes it a possibility that should not be underestimated.


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