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Artificial Intelligence And Printing Systems

Xerox Corporation has always studied automation and artificial intelligence systems to support companies in their daily activities. Xerox printing systems have for many years kept intelligent automation flows that regulate procedures and aim to make procedural work more efficient. Below, we propose a synopsis of Xerox, which highlights the main functions of artificial intelligence in the printing systems of the famous international brand. 

Artificial intelligence represents an excellent opportunity to offer value-added services with the aim of differentiating oneself in the market and building customer loyalty. We have already implemented AI systems in our production processes for some time, with advantages in terms of efficiency, speed, waste reduction, and sustainability. And obviously, production optimization in itself represents a plus for our users, too. In recent months, we have further enhanced the use of AI with a view to customer satisfaction, making our customers even happier.

Five Ways AI Works For You

Stay focused on the hype. Catchphrases about robots stealing jobs from humans and about the radical change in society due to artificial intelligence are nothing more than catchphrases. Officially, according to PriceWaterhouseCoopers, 2018 is the year artificial intelligence (AI) “puts its feet on the earth and gets to work.” In fact, this has already happened. Here are five examples of AI in the world of printing and how Xerox AI is already working for print service providers.

  1. Intelligent algorithms within the Xerox FreeFlow software set up different document layouts to minimize waste.
  2. In direct mail and catalogs, your customer data helps you create documents that are more relevant to each customer. Automation makes the process efficient and accurate.
  3. When submitting print jobs, the intelligent Xerox FreeFlow software routes new jobs to available printers, being able to monitor which printers are busy and which are free.
  4. Self-monitoring printers, like the iGen 5, constantly monitor themselves through numerous sensors. The data allows algorithms to make real-time adjustments as jobs progress, such as sheet alignment and image quality. The results are the best possible, without any human intervention.
  5. Printer data can be sent to Xerox. Our experts analyze printer data using tools and algorithms, comparing it to expected performance. Technicians can identify and recommend software updates or changes. Predictive analytics that can determine the need for action before a machine breaks down is closer than you might think.

Artificial intelligence is a reality and is already working on Xerox production digital printers.

Does AI Also Help The Customer Prepare Print Files?

Customers can take advantage of an automated control that, thanks to AI, facilitates the optimization and verification of the file, making it compliant with printing. Furthermore, this first step is further enhanced by our expert operators, who, in case of problems, intervene promptly to find the best solution.

At A Production Level, How Does The Use Of AI Make Processes More Efficient?

The code we developed using AI allows us to manage the queue of print jobs, reduce waste and washing, optimize formats, and accurately schedule appointments based on any emergencies. It is a code based on machine learning that continuously regenerates itself job after job, making the optimization process infinite.

Furthermore, the use of AI at various levels has allowed us to free operators from some manual tasks, benefiting from more excellent time available to dedicate to other value-added activities, such as more detailed sample quality control. Procedures that, obviously create further benefits for customers, fueling a virtuous circle aimed at satisfaction and loyalty.

What Further AI Innovations Are You Developing?

We are working on various fronts, starting with the theme of sustainability, which permeates all our activities. Our goal of becoming the first 100% sustainable online printing company can be achieved even faster thanks to the artificial intelligence models that we are integrating into our production to make processes increasingly greener.

Furthermore, we are in the process of fine-tuning a new AI system for logistics management, always with a view to customer service. As regards marketing activity, the use of AI certainly opens new frontiers in the humanization and personalization of messages, reducing the gap between physical stores and online sales.

Also Read: Customer Experience Automation: Mobile Solutions


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