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7 Tips For Leveraging Google My Business In Your Local Strategy

This is one of the most common questions among small businesses: how best to use Google My Business? This service made available by Mountain View is perfect for giving visibility to your company; it helps you position the brand in the area, obtaining a series of concrete advantages. Any virtuous examples to cite? Google My Business allows you to insert your company on maps so that your brand can be found in geolocalized searches. 

Furthermore, it activates the summary tab in the SERP, which contains all the information to be shown to the public when they search for your name. So it is impossible to ignore its usefulness for optimizing visibility. Setting up a local marketing strategy is important because many companies do not need to disperse their business nationally. It is better to invest in the territory and intercept users interested in your work. Where do I start? I would say from these tips that you should best use Google My Business for your brand.

Add All The Updated Information

This is the basis for an effective profile on Google My Business. A service that is based precisely on this is the effective synthesis of useful data for people looking for useful data about you. Therefore, once the profile has been verified, you must fill in all the required fields (obviously, if possible), paying particular attention to:

  1. Company name.
  2. Telephone number.
  3. Email and website.
  4. Description and category.

You need to make it clear who you are and how to contact you. NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) management is essential for local positioning, so make sure that the Knowledge Panel tab with important information that customers want to know about local businesses is displayed in the right way.

How To Best Use Google My Business

Also, put links to menus and reservations if you are working with restaurants and hotels. The basic principle that simplifies work on this platform is to add everything you need to make a decision. Each company has its characteristics, and your My Business account changes based on the category in which you are present.

Create Products To Highlight

Sell something, and you have the opportunity to attract potential customers to complete online conversions. How do I best use Google My Business in these cases? By creating a showcase with a list of highlighted goods. This editor is there for medium and small businesses, and to get started, you just need to go to the main dashboard. 

In the image below, you can see the editor of these products. In the dashboard, go to the products option and start adding your goods. Enter the collection to which the single element belongs, the name, and all the details necessary for the user to make a decision. Remember the fundamental rule for optimizing Google My Business: provide all the information possible to simplify actions.

Focus On The Videos On Your Google Profile

In addition to images, which we will see shortly, you can upload different multimedia elements to My Business. Among these, you will find very effective videos. You have two solutions for working with this content: upload videos to the photo album or as a post. In both cases, make sure you are using quality clips.

Add Photos And Images Of The Business

One of the most interesting and useful functions of the Knowledge Panel that you get thanks to Google My Business is the ability to upload official photos of your business. You know well that the visual is always effective when you want to communicate with your audience, and with this solution, you can manage the shots to highlight:

  1. Interior.
  2. Logo.
  3. Cover.

Much depends on the type of business. For example, in a restaurant, you can create albums of food and drinks; in a shop, you can show the interior; and so on. You must manage photos as best as possible, remembering that users and customers can also leave images.

Remember that activating Google My Business is free. You do not pay to be included in this circuit, and to activate the Knowledge Panel, the only thing you need to do is request identification, which usually takes place via paper mail. Only rarely is it possible to verify via telephone.

Publish Content With Google Posts

There is an interesting function that allows you to update the card with new content and links that lead to different resources. I’m talking about publishing posts on Google My Business, a system that allows you to update with:

  1. Novelty.
  2. Event.
  3. Offer.
  4. Product.

At the end of each post, which contains an editable photo and a text of up to 1,500 characters, you can insert a Call to Action with a link and text that changes as needed: buy the products, call now, sign up, book, or provide further information.

Look At Your Google My Business Statistics

Remember that this reality provides very detailed statistics that allow you to observe the behavior of the public. It is also interesting to note the keywords with which your profile is found on Google, the actions carried out by those who land on the page, and where customers find your business (SERP or map search).

Respond To The Reviews They Leave You

One of the features of Google My Business is the section dedicated to customer reviews. Here, the people who have chosen your name or service can leave positive or negative opinions, considerations, and reflections on what you have offered.

I’m talking about using reviews to your advantage. You can ask your audience to leave a review on Google My Business, and as a result, you have the option to respond. Especially when they are negative, this way you can manage any negative reflections by explaining the reason for any poor service.

How To Best Use Google My Business

Here you will find the basic information for your local web marketing strategy. Through these tips, you can achieve good results and optimize the profile of your presence on the Knowledge Panel that you can activate with your Google My Business profile. Have you already activated it? Do you need advice on creating an effective account?

Also Read: How To View A Website’s Cache With Google Cache?


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