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Why Implement Smart Working In The Company

At the root of the skepticism regarding smart working are the doubts of managers and HR managers regarding the actual benefits (which we will discuss later). Are you still wondering how to do smart work and why you should adopt it in your company? First of all, here are the main benefits :

Cost Reduction

The first advantage derives from the reduction (albeit partial) of the costs generated by personnel. By using little (or no) office space, your business can save a substantial amount in utility costs, equipment usage, and furniture. The lower consumption of food, resources, and energy will guarantee your company a surplus of liquidity that can be reinvested in the business

More Employee Trust

Allowing your employees to work flexibly will only improve the perception of the company in their eyes. Trusting your workers increases motivation, which always leads to great results. An employee who is given responsibility and flexibility tends to be more satisfied and willing to participate in your project.

Reduction In The Loss Of Talents

If you provided your employees (within your possibilities) with travel flexibility, less rigid working hours, and the ability to organize their work… Why should they leave you? Losing an employee is always an annoying cost for a company, both in economic and human terms. Not letting go of your best talent translates into lower hiring costs and maintaining stability within your work team.

Flexibility In The Selection Process

As is now well known, the physical presence of candidates is optional to conduct a recruitment process given that the leading personnel selection software allows you to manage the process entirely online. On the contrary, smart working allows your human resources department to draw on a much wider pool of talent than that of potential candidates who, due to residency issues, could have had a face-to-face interview.

Better Reputation

In addition to other benefits, offering your employees the opportunity to take advantage of a remote working policy will put your company in a good light, both in the eyes of your workers and potential candidates. Demonstrating your interest in maintaining your employees’ work/life balance combined with an innovative approach to work management will make a great impression on all those who take an interest in your business.

How To Do Smart Work In The Company?

Smart working is based on four pillars :

  1. Restructuring of the organizational culture, no longer anchored to rigidity but prone to adaptability.
  2. Flexibility of hours and workplaces, allowing employees to carry out their duties with complete freedom, always in compliance with the objectives set.
  3. Revolution of the physical spaces, restructured so you can feel at home inside the offices.
  4. Provision of technological equipment allows working using digital means to optimize results.

How to do smart work in the company is one of the first digitization challenges that HR must face. One of the problems or uncertainties that HR departments have is how to be in control of the work done by remote employees. In summary, how to do smart work in the company and what are the first fundamental steps in its management:

Plan Your Activities

It will be essential to establish the tasks to be carried out and assign them to each employee using a previously discussed tool. If there are projects with a precise date, it will be easier for you to determine how the remote work was carried out. We need to track activities and set different weekly goals if there is no specific date.

Digitize: How To Do Smart Working And Manage It With Software

Use attendance tracking software, such as Factorial. You will be able to digitize management:

  1. Stamping from the app
  2. Having employees’ geo-location
  3. Detecting breaks
  4. Creating customized policies according to the position
  5. Generating HR reports and much more

Evaluate The Quality Of Smart Working Times And Working Hours

Instead of focusing so much on telecommuting hours, we can better analyze the quality of that work. For this, it is advisable to have weekly meetings and more than one person working on the same project, to compare both jobs and get an idea of ​​how much time each took.

Measure The Benefits

To measure an employee’s performance in remote working, it is better to measure him according to his results or objectives. This point will be relatively high if it’s being done to evaluate a person working remotely or in the office.

Establish A Competitive Incentive System

You know, happy employees build a productive company. To do this, you can motivate them through an incentive program. In each project, we can establish the estimated time in which it should be completed, and if the employee finishes it earlier, he will be considered a productive worker. As a measure, an AF scale can be used, where those with an A will be the ones who finish the job first. To reward them, you can deliver a bonus based on a percentage of their base salary.

Also Read: Here Are Some Free Trello Alternatives


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