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What To Do If Facebook Messenger Crashes

Today, we will see what to do assuming Facebook Messenger crashes with this article. Courier is an application used to visit with your companions on Facebook. Even though it is brimming with energizing elements, it isn’t without irritating issues that could emerge at some point or another. One of the issues clients who have introduced the Facebook Messenger application on their Android cell phone can confront is the application crashes when attempting to open it or while utilizing it. 

Assume you also notice that Facebook Messenger, out of nowhere, closes, and you don’t have the foggiest idea of what to do to dispose of it. I recommend you keep pursuing this aide, who will disclose various answers for what to do if Facebook Messenger crashes on Android.

Restart Your Smartphone

As usual, when unexpected application crashes happen, the main thing I prescribe is to restart your telephone. Frequently in Android gadgets, this arrangement is sufficiently compelling to tackle many breakdowns and comprehend, assuming it is an accident that has happened briefly. 

Continue as follows to restart the cell phone:

  1. Press the On / Off button on the phone
  2. When the shutdown menu appears, tap Restart.
  3. Once the Home has restarted, access Messenger by clicking on its icon and checking if it still crashes. If Facebook Messenger keeps crashing after restarting the operating system, move on to the next solution.

Update The Messenger App

If the restart arrangement above didn’t work, you could attempt to see any new reports regarding the Messenger application. Assuming you are utilizing an application that is presently outdated or with a bug that makes it crash, with an update to the most recent delivered rendition of Messenger, you ought to have the option to tackle each issue that concerns its unexpected square.

To update Facebook Messenger do the following:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store
  2. Search now the Facebook Messenger app using the search bar 
  3. If you see the Update button, tap it to proceed with the app update.

I recommend updating any other applications you have installed on your device through the Play Store. To update all applications for which a new version has been released, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store
  2. Then tap the icon of your account that you find at the top right next to the search bar “Search apps and games.”
  3. Then go to Manage app and device
  4. See which applications need updating and update all of them to their latest available version

Clear The Cache Of Facebook Messenger

You are possibly encountering a Messenger application crash because of the reserve, and provided that this is true, you can rapidly fix it by erasing its records. Clearing the store won’t eliminate your record. No photographs or posts will be taken out from Facebook. No saved settings will be contacted. However, just the reserve documents used to accelerate the application will be taken out, and they will shape how to utilize them again. You will utilize Messenger.

To clear the Facebook Messenger cache to proceed as follows:

  1. Access the Settings app of your Android smartphone
  2. Then go to Apps> All apps.
  3. Search for Messenger from the list of applications installed on your phone and tap it to enter the Application Information screen
  4. Now press the Memory entry and Clear cache.

Update Android To Its Latest Version Available

The application crash may also depend on the version of Android in use. If you are using a version of Android that is too outdated or with bugs, you may experience crashes for applications, including Facebook Messenger. You can easily see if there is a new operating system update for your Android smartphone as follows:

  1. Access the Settings of your Android smartphone
  2. Now go to System Update or Software Update.
  3. Scan for new software updates, and if a new Android update is detected, proceed with its download and start installing the update on your device.

Reinstall Messenger

Facebook Messenger may have a few records that presently don’t work accurately, so the arrangement you can follow is to erase the application from your cell phone and reinstall it on the gadget quickly after that. Whenever you have reinstalled the Messenger application on your telephone, you should enter your login qualifications and set the settings again as they were before uninstalling the application. Messenger should continue the regular activity without crashes intruding on its utilization whenever this is done.

Here’s how to quickly delete and reinstall Facebook Messenger:

  1. Go to the Google Play Store and search for Facebook Messenger
  2. Click on the Uninstall button
  3. Proceed to install Messenger again by pressing the Install button
  4. Check now if Messenger still crashes

Try An Older Version Of Facebook Messenger

Assume you are encountering crashes since you refreshed Messenger to its most recent accessible variant. I recommend you attempt a more seasoned rendition of the application with which you had no issues or hang tight for another update as the furthest down the line variant might have a bug (for this situation, different clients ought likewise to encounter application crashes).

Try Messenger Lite

Assuming none of the arrangements seen above worked, you can take a stab at utilizing an elective rendition of Messenger, explicitly the Lite continually created by Facebook. The Lite rendition of Messenger is more reasonable for more regular cell phone telephones or telephones with minimal free stockpiling memory. Light is a lighter adaptation of Messenger, which requires a more modest measure of memory and still has practically every one of the elements generally valuable for the client.


Facebook Messenger is an application introduced to a vast number worldwide and utilized each day to speak with your companions on Facebook. Nonetheless, it could occur with Messenger that it quits working impeccably, colliding with, be exact. This is a genuine issue because the application becomes unusable.


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