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What Is The Company Profile Or Business Profile?

How to write a compelling company profile and get a high-value document. The corporate identity summary document, the Company profile, tells “who is” and “what does” the company do through synthetic descriptions, graphs, and targeted numbers. It is a passe-partout: useful in a strictly commercial context and for marketing and communication. 

It is not enough to enrich the product catalog with an introduction, “WHO ARE WE?” There is, in fact, an inevitable confusion about what the CP consists of, and it is appropriate to clarify: it is not a question of the product catalog. The purposes are different. The document, if well constructed, is the photograph of the company. Not a celebratory story: it speaks of facts before ideas or desires.

The Six Logical Blocks Of The Company Profile  

And now… an in-depth look at what the six blocks of our Company Profile must contain.

Overview Of The Company, The Numbers, The Mission

This section “photographs” in a few lines what the company offers to customers. But be careful: not so much in terms of products/services but VALUE. It is easier to identify the contents, imagining to answer some key questions:

  1. Why do I have current customers? Why not others?
  2. Why do I acquire new customers? What needs is my company always able to satisfy successfully?
  3. WHO do I work for? For which segments/targets in particular?
  4. Where is my customer within the supply chain (finals, intermediates, etc..)
  5. Against who? In a positive sense, “to solve what limitations that other products/competitors have?”

Company Numbers

Due to their extreme synthesis value, numbers are of fundamental importance. Some examples:

  1. What goods have the company made and installed in the world to date
  2. the number of products it makes, not in terms of turnover but in terms of units
  3. the variants it handles in terms of breadth or depth of range
  4. the markets in which it is present, since when
  5. the technologies he masters, since when
  6. the list of services it offers, on which segments
  7. the shipments it operates, to which destinations, with which dimensions
  8. the number of customer care interventions it supports, etc.

All that can be told in the Company Profile in figures is welcome, and it is unnecessary to accompany it with detailed descriptions. The numbers are self-speaking. At the end of the overview, perhaps even graphically highlighted, the “mission statement” can be inserted. 

What Is The Mission Statement? 

Simple: what we do and how we do it in one brief sentence. 

The History Of The Company, Its Vision 

The second block talks about the company yesterday. It is its history from its foundation. The temporal scan must not be dense but significant. It collects the events that brought the company up to date. History has declined in many aspects.

Culture, heritage, “know-how,” reliability, seriousness, in-depth technological analysis, and commercial wealth, in short, history, expresses the company’s “heritage,” which is the solid foundation on which to base commercial, financial, and working relationships. It is essential to mention the so-called Milestones. What fundamental junctions have led the company to grow from a structural point of view? For example:

  1. acquisitions of products/distribution licenses or patents or companies
  2. special awards
  3. strategic investments,
  4. orders that have allowed the leap in quality

Never forget the milestones of our journey.

The History And Vision In The Company Profile

Reflection on what we were leads us to define what we would like to be in the long term, not the short/medium term. Here is the “vision,” the strategic, ethical, and cultural driving force that determines the path to adapt our mission to the new tomorrow. Mission and vision are not two superimposable concepts but are correlated: the first is consequential to the second.  

The Market Served By The Company

The part of the Company profile dedicated to the company’s products can be positioned at different heights within the format. In terms of content, the first lines of this section are dedicated to the markets served and the demand satisfied by the company’s offer. Subsequently, especially for companies with different lines and varieties of products, it is advisable to introduce a table that summarizes the company products schematically and places them about the markets served. 

Attention: it must be clear, without a profusion of technical data and insights. The theme is communicating what is necessary to determine the minimum and maximum product limits. In other words, to determine the actual breadth of the product offer. The insights are the responsibility of the resources dedicated to sales. During the conversation with the customer, it will be up to them to accompany the topics of the Company Profile with completeness and precision, both verbally and using other documents. 

The Team And The Corporate Organizational Structure

This presents the technical and organizational skills, competencies, and human resources involved in the creation, design, production, marketing, sales, and after-sales processes. If you decide to insert human resources, the following handbook is functional:

  1. Highlight people and their added value
  2. Humanize the contact profile while ensuring everyone shares the information and feels comfortable with the description.
  3. Alternatively, consider a team photo.

Partners, Testimonials And Success Stories

The construction of this section starts with a simple question: Are there any recent projects of relevance or prestigious collaborations? Well. Including them in the Company Profile is helpful as evidence of the company’s capabilities (and confirmation of what was previously presented).

The impact is maximum if “satisfied customers” are used as a testimonial or by communicating the partnership relationships of a technical, financial, and commercial nature that the company cultivates with a view to synergy on completed projects. Other concrete examples to be included in this content block include case studies, publications, short quotes collected from satisfied customers, and online reviews… In short, anything that can show that the product is appreciated.

Contact Information And Access Channels

The contact page can contain many elements. For example:

  1. the location of the headquarters and secondary offices – productive and non- 
  2. the commercial reference contacts for the various product lines
  3. customer care addresses
  4. the entry channels for the career pages and partnership requests  

Last but not least, using a QR code you can make available and downloadable: 

  1. marketing materials available 
  2. a copy of the Company Profile
  3. presentations
  4. registration web pages
  5. social profiles

Also Read: Facebook Workplace: What It Is & Why It’s Useful For Businesses


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