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The Newsletter Is Among The Most Effective Marketing Tools

By newsletter, we mean that normally periodic communication is sent by companies to their customers or prospects who have voluntarily subscribed to the mailing list. According to the best-known surveys and market research conducted by leading international companies, around two-thirds of the interviewed managers consider email as the most effective tool or, in any case, the one that brings a satisfactory ROI (i.e., the return on investment).

Volunteer Registration

Users normally subscribed to the newsletter have done so voluntarily, and in case they can unsubscribe at any time, it follows that, as a rule, users who receive the newsletter already know the sender, considering him reliable. Considering that the opening rate of a newsletter starts from 10-20% up to 60-70% in the case of b2b communication. The quality of the user database profiling about the content plays in favor of the newsletter’s performance of the message itself (like saying, do my users care what I’m sending them? 

Have I excluded users who don’t care?). Sending communications, promotions, or content in general to your subscribers is better if personalizing the message (for example calling the recipient by name) allows you, especially in the long term, to create an ongoing relationship with the recipient himself; it follows that the topics and the contents you have to deal with must be interesting for him: under penalty of unsubscribing or loss of interest in you.

The 10 Rules To Reduce The Percentage Of Spam Reports And Improve Your Reputation

  1. Send only to those who have given explicit consent;
  2. Send content expected by the recipient, consistent with the purpose of the subscription;
  3. The sending frequency must be in line with the recipient’s expectations and possibly already communicated before registration;
  4. Simple unsubscription (max 2 clicks) and visible;
  5. Recognizability: graphics and sender must be clear and consistent with those communicated at the time of registration;
  6. Send a first welcome message immediately after registration;
  7. Remember, at the bottom of the page where the address was collected;
  8. Allow the modification of preferences (frequency, change address, profile…);
  9. Automate the removal of those who click on “report as spam”;
  10. Do not send infrequent emails (every 2 months) or with a long delay after signing up;

Effective Newsletters, Here Are Some Useful Tips

  1. Establish an editorial calendar for the newsletter, don’t just send commercial offers; deal with topics that may interest your users, such as useful advice, success stories, and experience. Create rules to send messages constantly, do not abuse mailings but be regular;
  2. Pay attention to the email subject, it must convince to click, and therefore, it must be short, clear, and truthful;
  3. Attention to the sender, make sure that your email is sent by a user that the recipient knows and, if possible, sign the email with your name;
  4. Customize the message; all newsletter systems allow you to manage the variables connected to your user data (for example, to start the email with “good morning Marco”), so it is very important when registering your users to set the data necessary for this activity; 

Also, pay attention to the content of the email you send, and always follow these rules:

  1. Simplify, write simple, not too much text but not too little either;
  2. Evaluate the tone of voice;
  3. Take care of the legibility of the text; organize it into paragraphs if you insert bulleted lists;
  4. Insert quality images;
  5. Don’t forget the call to action;

The call to action  is the call to action, that thing we would like the user to do thanks to our email, for example:

  1. reading an article in our blog;
  2. viewing (or buying) a product on our site;
  3. the request for further information or a commercial contact;

How To Increase Contacts Subscribed To The Newsletter?

Certainly, one of the constant activities, sometimes necessary, to increase our newsletter subscribers is lead generation. Lead generation is a set of activities that allow your company to obtain subscribers, i.e., user contacts, who demonstrate an interest in your company’s services or products. Often this activity is part of a broader web and content marketing strategy involving advertising tools such as Facebook and Linkedin.

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