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The Latest Proof Of Telegram Is Paid Posts

Telegram is testing a new function that sees channels as protagonists: visible posts could soon be introduced only by paying money. Telegram is an instant messaging service spread worldwide and appreciated for its many features, which can be accessed quickly and, at least for the most part, for free by simply downloading the application or using its web version. To meet the costs of the service, a program aimed at monetization has recently started, which saw the introduction of advertisements on Pavel Durov’s platform in November. On the horizon now, there seem to be some critical innovations that see the introduction of paid functions for subscribers to the channels.

Telegram, The Upcoming News: Paid Posts

The tests on the platform are constant. To remain competitive in the market and not succumb to other instant messaging applications on the web, changes and modifications are introduced to Telegram to make it more efficient and valuable. Maintaining the platform has costs, which are also incurred through advertisements. Soon there could also be paid content, which would limit the activity on the platform in accessible mode and could be used by those who use Telegram for their marketing strategy. The update will concern paid posts, and it would seem that many channels of the platform have already started introducing them to test the new functionality. Understanding the rules of their use will be straightforward, which could spread quickly.

Paid Posts: How They Will Work

Paid posts can be used within channels. When you create visible content only after paying a fee, this is obscured to all subscribers of the channel and above, its cost will be affixed, and a wording indicating the need to pay to view the post. To unlock the content, the user must click on the post and deposit the required money. The payment method accepted, at the moment, is only one: the data of a valid credit card must be entered.

All other details, such as the possible prices of a post and the possibility of including other payment methods, have not yet been disclosed. The novelty could be welcomed, especially by content creators who can receive compensation for their accomplishments. There is no shortage of criticisms and concerns from users of the application, who fear that paid posts could be widespread, making it difficult to access free information, news and insights on Telegram.

Paid Posts On Telegram: Apple Says No

With a particularly piquant post published on his channel, Pavel Durov explained that Apple blocked the initiative: ” Unfortunately, Apple has informed us that it is not satisfied that content creators monetize their efforts without paying a fee. 30%. Since Apple has total control over its ecosystem, we had no choice but to disable paid posts on iOS devices. ” But that’s just the beginning of the message because then Durov goes down even harder: ” This is just another example of how a trillion-dollar monopoly abuses its market dominance at the expense of millions of users trying to monetize their content. I hope regulators in the EU, India and elsewhere will take action before Apple destroys other dreams and crushes other entrepreneurs with a tax higher than any government-imposed VAT. “

Google Is Silent On Telegram For Now

Another interest in the matter is Google, which has not yet said or done anything at the moment, probably waiting to understand how and when this experimentation phase will end. As we know, not all tests performed on the platforms then become functions released globally and for all users.

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