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Targeting: Who Do We Show Our Video Ads On Youtube?

Your choice of targeting is available at campaign creation time and is the same for two video ads within the same ad group. In addition to the segments by affinity, in-market, and demographic data the platform makes available to us, you can also use custom segments for video campaigns. As with display campaigns, you can select keywords and topics or manually enter placements for websites and apps by choosing specific Youtube channels and videos.

Content targeting is no longer available for converting video campaigns. If you use Youtube ads to target those who have already interacted with your business, you can insert remarketing segments that you already have in your account. They must have at least 1000 users to be included in the campaign.

From within the audience manager, you can create segments of those who have viewed your video ads and use them in other videos or other campaigns (it is only possible to collect those who have seen in-stream ads that you can skippable). To have general control over the content in which your advertising activity appears on Youtube (and on the display network), you can select the type of inventory directly at the account level in the “content suitability” tab.

The Importance Of Creativity In Youtube Ads

Setup and strategy are important to video campaigns, but the creatives make the real difference. With a video ad, you have seconds to grab attention and entice people to interact with your ad, open it, and hopefully lead to a conversion. Youtube has made available a guide that illustrates the characteristics that video ads should have at each stage of the funnel to be successful and achieve the objectives set, whether it is awareness, consideration, or action. Video ads should always go through the “ABCD” principles: attention, branding, connection, and direction :

  1. Attention: the first moments are essential to capture attention with music and voiceover, bright and contrasting colors;
  2. Branding: the brand must be introduced immediately within the video. It can remain in evidence or be recalled often;
  3. Connection: the video should create an emotional connection with the viewer;
  4. Indication: in the end, the user must be guided to an action through a CTA (written or spoken with voiceover), or “what do we expect the user to do after watching our video?”.

The videos you will use as ads can be uploaded in 16:9, 1:1, and 9:16 formats to adapt to the device used while using the contents.

Tools And Metrics For Video Ads

After connecting the Youtube channel and starting a video campaign, new tabs and columns dedicated to this campaign will appear within the Google Ads account. From “Video,” you access a series of performance and reach metrics that refer to the video ad. At the same time, the actions obtained on Youtube are directly imported from the connected Youtube Studio. From “Analytics,” you can access a series of data and dashboards related to the ad and the organic video if visible on the channel. 

As with search, display, and max performance campaigns, you can also create experiments for video campaigns to test the effectiveness of different ads on your audience. The Google Ads Asset Library has valuable video creation and editing tools. From here, an already uploaded video can be cut to create a bumper ad, a voiceover can be added to an existing video, or one can be created from scratch starting from templates provided by the platform.

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