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Oracle And Big Data Between Quality, Digital Integrity, And Cybersecurity

Big Data 

It represents a formidable driving force for many organizations. What is the most valuable data? Undoubtedly those are inherent to natural persons. It is a pool of precious information, almost indispensable for developing effective business strategies, especially in the post-Covid economy. However, due to their great value and bond with the individual, big data lends itself to profound and, in many ways, indispensable reflections. There are three fundamental points that we wanted to highlight.

The digital transposition of an individual requires the guarantee of his “digital integrity. ” It is a form of moral respect; moreover, it is undeniable that there are also potential legal implications in light of the GDPR.

Data Quality 

It is another milestone in a big data strategy. A poorly reliable database is almost worthless. Indeed, no company would base its process on unreliable data. The third pillar, without which nothing would be possible, is data security.Security is understood in its broadest sense. Organizations must ensure compliance with current regulations, first of all. Furthermore, data breaches are constantly increasing: cybersecurity is part of security. Finally, data must also be protected with adequate backup policies and redundancy strategies: a factor that should not be underestimated for all data centers and for the companies that use them.

Digital Integrity Of Big Data

Big Data analysis helps companies understand their customers’ information – and potential customers – to discover and anticipate habits, behaviors and implement adequate intervention plans from a data-driven perspective. Oracle proposes itself as a provider of technologies for the collection of this information and its analysis. Oracle Big Data Services help data professionals manage, catalog, and process raw data.

In our opinion, the old concept of Data Warehouse, as well as the more recent one of Data Lake, appear to be outdated because they are unable to respond to the needs of the business that requires to obtain information in real-time such as to allow immediate action based on what is happening. Happening.

In this sense, Oracle proposes, within its Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) offering, the concept of “Lake House” – or the House of Data Lakes in the cloud – which is a modern architecture, consisting of a combination of the two previous concepts, built on a technology stack based on Autonomous Data Warehouse, Object Storage Data Lake, Data Catalog and other boundary services, and which allows for a modern data platform capable of processing streaming data and different types of data from a wide range of corporate data resources.

The analysis of this information takes place through Oracle Analytics Cloud and machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms that the Oracle Cloud makes available. In any case, the privacy of the individual is not violated. These algorithms always work on data samples and find value in the correlation of vast amounts of data. The personal information of the individual does not suffer any exposure.

Data Quality

The technologies used to keep this type of information must always allow having reliable and consistent data. With this in mind, the Oracle solution is based on a database that, in addition to being autonomous, is also “convergent,” meaning the ability to store information represented in different formats. Therefore not only the classic relational model but also more modern models such as the documentary model to store data with a variable structure or the graph that allows you to effectively represent.

For example, the relationships between people typical of social networks or the geographical model that enables you to geolocate information by adding this vital information to the analysis, and so on. The possibility of making these models converge in a single database allows giving consistency to the data processed and applying a single high-reliability security model.

Data Security

Using many specialized databases for each of the logical models mentioned above would open the doors to risks of inconsistency and, above all, would expand those relating to security by having to replicate accesses and passwords and required to “agree” security and high-reliability models which, for their nature are different from each other.

Oracle’s proposal is based on a single converged database with a single security model and high reliability. Thanks to the “self-managing” capability, it always remains up to date regarding security patches. Autonomous Data Warehouse is also “always available” because it enjoys the high-reliability characteristics of the Oracle Cloud. Without forgetting the fact that this solution is activated on the Exadata engineered system with its “fault-tolerant” features.


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