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Learning C# – Introduction To The C# Programming Language

Might you want to get familiar with the programming language C# and get an outline of the entire subject first? Then this article is absolutely the perfect one for you since you will get all the fundamental data about the C# programming language you want as a total amateur. As a matter of first importance: C# is a very amateur agreeable, current, and boundless programming language. So perusing the article will be worth the effort.

What Is C#?

Above all else, we should address an essential inquiry: What is C#? To put it plainly, C# is an item situated in the programming language from Microsoft. This language is the same as the Java programming language and underhanded tongues, even if C# is a duplicate of Java. Nevertheless, C# is a programming language that offers many benefits and has set up a good foundation for itself as perhaps the most well-known programming language.

So assuming you are genuinely keen on learning C#, you are picking a promising and pervasive programming language that you can use to execute nearly anything. To provide you with a harsh outline of the language, we have arranged the accompanying three-minute video for you: Since C# is essential for the supposed .NET innovation, you first need to find out about it.

The .NET Technology

Microsoft’s .NET technology is a very comprehensive software platform for Windows applications. And by extensive, We mean very extensive. For this very reason, we limit ourselves in this article to the most important part, namely the so-called .NET Framework. The .NET Framework consists of a variety of useful tools for software development. For example, a gigantic class library is included, containing pre-programmed functions for various applications. As a result, you don’t always have to reinvent the wheel, and you can use code that has already been written. 

For example, do you need a function that can take the mathematical root of a number? No problem, such a function is already included in the gigantic class library. Or do you prefer a position to write data from your program to a file? This is not a problem either, because there are already suitable functions for this in the class library. As soon as you start writing your first programs, you will quickly appreciate this luxury. In addition to the class libraries, the .NET Framework also supports numerous other programming languages ​​​​in addition to the C# language, such as Visual Basic or Visual C++.

And within the .NET framework, there are other sub-frameworks as well. At this point, in a sentence, what is meant by a framework: A framework represents a programming scaffold for developers. Such a subordinate framework is, for example, the WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation). WPF can be used to develop graphical user interfaces, i.e., so-called GUI applications. In addition to the frameworks and tools just mentioned, the .NET Framework comprises numerous other components. For a rough overview, the above should suffice.

The Common Language Runtime (CLR)

Another essential feature characterizes the .NET Framework: With the help of the .NET Framework, you not only develop applications you also execute them with it. All .NET programs are executed using the so-called Common Language Runtime (CLR), which is ultimately part of. NET. We need to delve a little deeper into the C# compilation process to understand why. 

All programs developed with .NET are not translated directly into executable machine code but first into a particular intermediate language. This has the great advantage that you can work on a project with several different programming languages ​​(which are supported by . NET), for example. The program code is converted into the same intermediate code, which means that there are no conflicts between the languages.

Three Critical Properties Of C#

If you want to learn C#, you should also get to know the essential properties of C#. With that in mind, below, we will look at what we think are the three most important characteristics of C#.

General Purpose Programming Language

The programming language C# is a so-called general-purpose programming language. So it was not developed for a particular purpose but can be used for many different purposes. Examples of this are shown in the next section.

Object-Oriented Programming Language

C# is completely object-oriented. Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm (programming style) similar to human thinking and can therefore be used very intuitively by human programmers. As in reality, everything is described by objects in object-oriented programming.

Platform Independent

C# is platform-independent. Initially, C# was only developed for Windows. However, thanks to the Mono project or Xamarin Studio, there is also the possibility of developing software for other platforms. So you can use C# to write programs for Windows, Linux, macOS, apps, and other media.

Possible Areas Of Application Of C#

Now that you’ve learned a bit about the .NET Framework and the key characteristics of C#, the next thing you’ll probably want to know is what uses C# can be used for? Especially before learning C#, you should know whether the programming language to be learned is suitable for the area of ​​application that you are interested in yourself. Programming languages ​​​​are better suited for some application areas and less so for others. But let’s take a look at what you can program with C# in the following time:

  1. Simple console applications (small programs to make everyday life easier)
  2. Applications with graphical user interface (chat client, complex calculator, etc.)
  3. Video games (both 2D and 3D)
  4. Windows Services (Services)
  5. Web Applications for Windows Server
  6. app
  7. and much more…

As you can see, you can do anything with C#. And that’s simply because, as mentioned before, C# is a general-purpose programming language. So the language was not developed for a specific area of ​​application, but it is suitable for many purposes. So it is a kind of multifunction tool. Learning C# makes a lot of sense, especially for beginners, because you can do a lot with it and don’t have to commit to a specific area right from the start. For example, you can start by everyday programming applications with C#. If you lose its joy, you can also switch directly to game programming using C#. In other words: With C#, you are very flexible and cannot do much wrong, especially as a beginner.

Why Learn C#?

We mentioned that the C# programming language is highly recommended for beginners. It is beginner-friendly, follows a modern programming paradigm, and is already very widespread today. Numerous applications and games have already been implemented using C#. Even if the game development topic sounds interesting to you, you should learn C# because the powerful and popular game engine called Unity is programmed almost exclusively with C#. If you want to hear more reasons for programming in C#, watch the video below. We go into great detail again about the different advantages of learning C#.

How Should A Beginner Learn C#?

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably really interested in programming in C#. But now, of course, the last and most important question arises:

How Should A Beginner Learn C#?

Of course, there are different ways to do this, and everyone has their way of acquiring new skills. Of course, the most comfortable solution is to acquire programming skills with the help of a private tutor. However, to do this, you must know or find someone who has both the necessary skills and the necessary time to take you on and transform you into a programmer. So either you are fortunate enough to have a perfect friend who will help you, or you pay a lot of money for this type of training. 

Since many people cannot afford the mentioned variant, they resort to books. And books are always a thing for beginners. If you’ve ever been in the programming department of a bookstore, you’ll know why. As a rule, the books are more than 1,000 pages long and written in complicated technical language. That’s precisely why we have written the C# Beginner’s Book at Programming Start. This is an e-book that teaches you from 0 to the basics of C# as a beginner. The book was specially written in an understandable language and contained numerous code examples so that you can directly reprogram what you have learned. 


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