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How To Permanently Remove Youtube Ads

We know how important advertising is on the internet because it allows websites to show users content and entertain them without any cost falling on the latter. There are cases in which the advertisements are so too many and invasive as to make it almost impossible to view a video or web page. 

Among the most annoying advertisements are those at the beginning and middle of video playback, which are shown on Youtube and which, in the long run, can become very disturbing due to their frequency. Do you want to know how to remove advertising on Youtube? This post will tell you about the various solutions that will allow you to enjoy the show without commercial breaks. In the past, Youtube allowed you to remove advertising from videos with an effortless internal procedure. It is no longer possible today, and you must rely on alternative solutions.

How To Remove Advertising On A Youtube Video Permanently

It may be the most annoying advertising, suddenly shown in the middle of a video or placed at the beginning to force us to watch it. Sometimes it lasts a few seconds. It exceeds the minute, which can be unnerving for those who want to enjoy the show. 

To skip advertising on Youtube, there are handy and free add-ons available for Google Chrome and Firefox that allow you to eliminate Youtube commercials and immediately start playing the video. Before using them, we remind you that it is suitable for a primarily free platform like Youtube to use advertisements to finance itself, eliminating any possible cost to the end user. Hence, the advice is to use these extensions sparingly, allowing viewing of some advertising.

Extension For Google Chrome

If you want to eliminate advertising on Youtube using Google Chrome, enter the Chrome Web Store, choose the Add item twice and install the free Ads Blocker for the Youtube app. It is an application that blocks any advertising, banners, pop-ups, videos, etc. After clicking ADD, you are asked to confirm the installation and choose the Add extension. When the installation is complete, the extension symbol will appear on the Chrome toolbar, and clicking will confirm successful installation.

This extension is handy because it also allows you to create a list of Youtube channels on which to block advertising reproduction, and thanks to a small check, you can also activate the block for Facebook ADSs. From now on, when you open a video on Youtube, no advertising will be shown, and you will be able to enjoy watching it without any disturbances or interruptions. If you have changed your mind or want to turn off the block temporarily, press the icon at the top right and turn off the extension.

Extension For Firefox

Another browser widely used to view videos on Youtube is Firefox; sometimes, it is also chosen by those who have problems viewing videos on Chrome; also, in this case, it is possible to download an extension to block advertising on Youtube. The first thing to do is connect to the Mozilla Addons website, select Extensions from the available items and enter the name of the free extension Enhancer for YouTube™ in the search box at the top right. It is a customizable extension in many aspects. 

It is elementary to use; with Enhancer, it is possible to adjust the volume and execution speed using the mouse wheel; remove advertising from videos automatically or upon request; have a list of channels on which to authorize the reproduction of advertisements; remove annotations, automatically view videos in 4K or another format; use custom themes, use an enormous viewer; make video thumbnails at the bottom of the page; execute instructions in javascript and many more features to discover. To install the extension, press Add to Firefox; after a few seconds for the download, you are asked whether to proceed with the installation; click on Install.

Immediately after installation, a screen lets you choose all the desired customizations. We have listed some of them. Still, there are many that make Enhancer for Youtube one of the best Adblockers for Mozilla Firefox. After setting each feature of the extension, you can see videos on Youtube without advertising and with all the customizations chosen; to verify successful installation, check that there is a red icon at the top right of the browser. This icon allows you to access the settings panel anytime and change the various functions you like.

Is It Worth Blocking Ads On Youtube?

The speech is related to the premise made at the beginning of the article, in which we briefly explained the importance of advertising on Youtube and how this allows users to use the service for free. Blocking advertising on Youtube is convenient if it is too much and invasive, making it difficult or almost impossible to view the content correctly. At the same time, it could be helpful to leave it to allow the Youtubers who manage the channels to monetize their work.

As you know, with Youtube, it is possible to earn by receiving direct views on the channel and the videos; the advertisements shown within the content further contribute to the earnings of the channel owners. Will you ever do something without having a minimum income? Probably not. The advice is to use these extensions to block advertisements on Youtube sparingly, activating them in case of excessive presence of advertising banners or frequent interruptions in the middle of video playback.

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