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Artificial Intelligence (AI) In Marketing: Use The Technology Today

Online marketing is constantly changing and is always looking for new technologies and ways to address customers adequately. A current technology for marketing that will become increasingly important in the future is artificial intelligence. 

What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

To understand how artificial intelligence (AI) can help in marketing, let’s first look at what artificial intelligence is and what makes it unique. AI is an umbrella term for all applications that mimic human intelligence. Examples of such applications are machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP), significant in marketing.

Most applications aim to provide human-like performance in learning, decision-making, or problem-solving. This is to be achieved initially by analyzing a large amount of data available to the application for training. During training, the application learns which paths lead to the right solution and the wrong one based on past decisions. These experiences are stored and reused in different iterations, reflecting a human learning process.

Therefore, analyzing massive amounts of data inevitably makes the application more innovative and reliable. This process is applied in analyzing human language recognition and interpretation (NLP) by intensively training sentences and words and their effects. But how does this work in practice?

How Can Artificial Intelligence Be Used In Marketing?

There are many different ways in which AI can be used in marketing. Three current and relevant options are shown and explained below.

AI For Segmentation

The previously mentioned analysis gives rise to different customer groups or customer segments. For example, in the B2B area, we know segmentation by role or industry of a target group. In the B2C area and purchasing behavior, there is often segmentation based on socio-demographic characteristics such as age or gender.

An analysis of personality models allows an entirely new type of segmentation. Customer groups can now be segmented according to needs, which offers the advantage of not just a socio-demographic characteristic that counts but rather a behavior-oriented one. The gift is evident. Behavioral segments can create targeted campaigns that are more focused on segment personalities.

In this way, every type of customer will be emotionalized in the future through a tailor-made approach, which will lead to higher conversions in the long term. A customer group with a need for security must be approached differently than a customer group with a need for profit, adventure, and opportunity. It does not matter whether these are men or women or in different age groups.

AI Forecast Predictions

After analyzing the current customers with the help of AI, it can also make forecasts for future changes in the market or customers. Based on new incoming communication from customers, the AI ​​​​determines to what extent the personal attitude of the buyer of the product changes over time. For example, a person who used to use a lot of relational words like “love,” “greetings,” or “collaboration” may suddenly use a lot of performance words like “optimize” or “efficient.” This can indicate a personal change in the customer, which has taken place for various reasons.

AI can also use AI to identify which customers are at risk of dropping out or how high the chances are that a deal will soon be concluded. Minor language changes provide information, for example, about whether I will withdraw as a customer or allow a closer relationship. After this change of customers over time, one should act accordingly. The good thing about AI ​​is that it shows an objective and consistent picture. Emotions when assessing customer behavior are reduced. This offers marketing more security in decision-making.

How Will AI Develop In The Future?

But not only marketing and its customers are developing. The same applies to artificial intelligence, constantly being improved and optimized. AI will optimize its previous skills and acquire more and more skills and competencies for better support. Today there are already many AI applications for direct support, which have enormous future potential. Some interesting examples are presented in the following sections.

Copywriting AI

One of these future AI skills is effective copywriting. Copywriting is the AI-controlled formulation of texts based on a small database. The author creates a small introductory text, for example, a short marketing message. The AI ​​​​very quickly formulates a wide variety of more extensive advertising formulations from this. 

This means that the complete statement does not have to be written, the message still contains the desired content, and valuable time is saved. The AI ​​​​suggests different formulations. The copywriter or the editor still has the final decision. Today’s AIs in this area are already quite good but certainly not perfect. Therefore, the future development in copywriting AI and its potential will still be exciting to watch.

Target Group-Specific Content

Another application of AI is the writing of target group-specific content. The program is fed with relevant customer data. For example, customers frequently use keywords when communicating with the company. Another data source is relevant SEO keywords of the respective company website. Depending on the defined input and settings, the AI ​​​​can then write appropriate texts, advertising messages, blog articles, and much more.

This process has incredible potential. Imagine an independent company blog that automatically publishes a relevant blog article every day, which appears relevant and thoughtfully written—or automatically generated advertising messages that are specific and appealing to customers and can be created immediately for each new product.

AI In Sales Enablement

Another application of AI is the improvement of sales processes in the B2B environment. The individual sales employees are analyzed by the AI ​​in their meetings and calls, for example, to offer special training based on this subsequently. Conversations that led to a conversion or a purchase serve as the data basis for positive samples.

Another AI technology in this area analyzes and classifies customers’ personality types and, based on this, proposes concrete recommendations for action to the sales employee. With which words and arguments should the respective customer be addressed? The AI ​​provides the answer. The AI ​​​​helps the sales staff directly on the one hand, and the entire company on the other since the data on the best arguments for your customers can be used by the whole company.

Conclusion: AI As A Competitive Advantage

Therefore, it can be stated that AI in everyday marketing will lead to significant competitive advantages and time savings in the future, but also today. There are many different uses of AI, and in the end, this number will continue to increase. Therefore, the integration of AI into the marketing activities of today’s companies is a must, especially since future potentials and possibilities of the technology can be quickly recognized and realized.


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