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6 Content Tips And Best Tools For Newsletters

If you have arrived here, you are taking advantage of this guide to deepen your knowledge on sending effective newsletters. Let’s look at some types of content you can use in your newsletters.

Content Tips

FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are essential to answer people’s doubts about a product/service. The ideal is to work hard on the answers and offer the maximum possible value. Try to elaborate very well on how you answer so that the reader has no more doubts.


Surveys are a way to keep in touch with leads. They also allow the company to collect data to improve its processes. This way, you can get valuable feedback on products and services and optimize their performance.

Latest Articles On The Blog

Another common type of newsletter aims to update readers on the most recent and essential content posted on the website. In this case, you can adopt a weekly frequency and encourage the user to see the new posts to find out what is new in your company. In this type of newsletter, it is essential to develop an ad hoc text every week so as not to be repetitive.


Storytelling is essential for digital marketing. Of course, this also applies to email marketing.

So, another type of newsletter is the one that regularly tells stories to users. Your team can engage your audience with characters, situations, and events that create empathy in people.

When doing storytelling, you can take a personal approach. The ideal is to create something that stimulates the consumer’s connection and makes him feel emotions.

Interactive Content

Interactive content is also an exciting approach. They are formats that require active user participation and generate greater engagement, as in a dynamic conversation. You can apply infographics, content with GIFs and animations, videos, quizzes, and other templates. The interactive contents in the newsletters allow you to increase clicks on CTAs.

Success Stories

Case studies are great for leads who are very close to buying. They show that your company is genuinely prepared to solve their problem in the best way possible.

The 3 Best Tools For Creating Newsletters

To create a newsletter, you need to use the right tools. Let’s see what the 3 best email marketing platforms currently are.


Sendinblue is the software to create newsletters that I generally recommend to my customers. We are talking about an advanced and feature-rich tool that allows you to manage email marketing at 360 degrees. The built-in email creator is well done, intuitive, and suitable for everyone. Among the most exciting functions, We would like to point out the possibility of creating A / B tests for your newsletters, integrated landing pages, contact forms, and templates of all kinds. Sendinblue also integrates SMS Marketing, live chat, and data analysis services.


GetResponse is also one of the most used and versatile tools. It has all the features you need to create newsletters and is one of the most intuitive tools, perfect for beginners. But GetResponse isn’t limited to email marketing. It also integrates live chat, automation, and webinar services. There is also a website builder and a landing page builder. GetResponse also has a completely free plan.

Active Campaign

To efficiently manage your contact base, you can also use Active Campaign, which focuses on automation. Unlike the previous tools, Active Campaign, We recommend it more to larger companies, which need more advanced tools for managing their newsletters. Active Campaign does not have a free plan. However, it does offer users a 7-day trial.


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