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Tips For Making A Compelling Post On LinkedIn

An effective content strategy on LinkedIn is essential to increasing the popularity of your professional profile. Compelling posts on LinkedIn are the ones that get shared the most. For this reason, after a post has been published, it is always best to share it with your network of contacts. 

In addition to publishing it on various social networks—from Pinterest to Twitter to Facebook—you can also think about sending it directly to friends, collaborators, and colleagues, always without spamming. The message must be spread as widely as possible, keeping in mind that the value of LinkedIn must be identified, particularly in the feedback obtained from other users.

The Characteristics Of LinkedIn Posts

To create a successful post on LinkedIn, you need to be concise, direct, and focus on clear exposition. On the other hand, it is also essential to talk about topics you know in depth without improvising as “know-it-alls.”.

Short And Well-Written Content

When drafting a LinkedIn post, size matters a lot. The content must be concise and clear, going straight to the point. Turns of phrases aimed at lengthening the text are useless and risk even proving harmful.

On a visual level, the “sheets” of words are repelling: this is why you can think of breaking them up with images or presentations. The latter can be uploaded in no time to Slideshare, so that they can then be embedded within posts. Long live synthesis, but remember that brevity is not an end but a means; in short, we must not be brief to be brief but precise.

Talk About What You Know

Inserting links on LinkedIn posts is certainly recommended, especially if this helps clarify the concepts and make them easier to understand. The clarity of the topics is, in fact, one of the starting points for writing a post. It is evident that a professional, when he shares his skills publicly, presents himself as an expert on a specific topic. 

This explains why you should only try your hand at writing posts that concern topics you are knowledgeable about; this way, you can appear more credible as an expert in the field. An example of a successful LinkedIn post involves the inclusion of illustrations. An expedient of this type is particularly useful if topics characterized by a certain level of complexity are addressed.

Writing Tips

Pre-established lengths characterize the texts, and each element has a precise size. Only by knowing them is it possible to publish correctly structured content:

  1. The summary must be a maximum of 120 characters long.
  2. The summary must not exceed two thousand characters.
  3. Reports must be 3000 characters long.
  4. The description of work experience cannot exceed 2000 characters.

Articles must not exceed 40 thousand characters, while posts can reach a maximum of 1,300. You can attach documents if you wish, as long as they are no more than 300 pages and 100 MB. Having established the need not to exceed the maximum character limit for a LinkedIn post, from a writing point of view, nothing prevents you from taking inspiration from others and drawing inspiration from colleagues or competitors. 

A professional, through the content that he writes, can transform himself into a recognizable brand and increase his reputation. Then, there are some practical details not to be forgotten. For example, it is essential only to publish copyright-free material copyright-free material, especially in the case of images incorporated into presentations. Drafting a schedule before the actual drafting is another measure to be evaluated; if you establish the list of topics to be covered in advance, you can write more fluidly and understandably.

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