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The Virtual Assistant For Micro, Small And Medium Enterprises

Workbot is more than just a chatbot: it is a real virtual assistant based on artificial intelligence and NLP technologies for natural language processing. With Workbot, you amplify your communication possibilities, choosing to align yourself with the classic messages via chat or converse naturally.

Workbot: Find Out What It Can Do For You While You Continue Your Business

Bots applied to the world of micro-small, and medium-sized enterprises are particularly useful in helping to manage contacts and relationships with their customers.

This does not mean canceling the human factor but exploiting the technological potential of artificial intelligence, i.e., automating and improving interaction with potential customers while maintaining contact and relationship with regular customers.

Like? Workbot can answer questions in real-time. Let’s imagine that taken from daily work and the many activities related to business management, neither you nor your collaborators can dedicate the time and attention necessary to manage all incoming requests: telephone, website, or social network.

Workbot is activated by replacing you in the first phase of reception and approach, according to your business style and concerning the information you want to provide, so as not to lose contact with your customer and give a symptom of attention and speed of response.

While you relax, the workboat works for you and with you. In addition to giving information, advice on your products and services, it can make appointments and reservations, orders, and much more, conversing naturally with other people.

In the chat, one of Workbot’s objectives is lead generation, i.e., increasing the number of people who will know your business and inviting them to get in touch with you to increase the sales of your products and services.

Activating Workboat Is Simple And Fast

You will only have to decide the name to give to your Workbot and share the tasks to assign to it with us. We will proceed to customize it for you, and in no time, it will be available on your website, on your social pages but above all, on your customers’ smartphones.

Your business will always be available to current and future customers, and the resulting relationship, with the help of your virtual collaborator, will grow and consolidate more and more over time. These advanced technologies that people are now used to using will give you a competitive advantage over your competitors and an innovative image attentive to changes.


A Chatbot is a software-based Artificial Intelligence algorithm that manages to simulate a conversation with a user on a chat. The primary purpose is to simulate a human conversation and store as much data about the person to “know” him better and offer him what he wants.

The better the flow of questions and interactions is structured, the better the final result will be. Chatbots are mainly implemented on different communication channels such as websites, text messages, and mobile or social messaging apps.

The areas of use of chatbots are different:

  1. Virtual Assistants, who accompany the user in the search for information (faq) or the purchase of products and services;
  2. Advanced CRM, acquisition of end-user data by outlining a well-in-depth profile;
  3. Newsletter to communicate information, offers, and promotions to keep the user updated on your business’s news.

According to some studies, over 80% of shoppers need assistance and more information to purchase.  Chatbots have become necessary tools for the marketing of your company.

Besides replacing the “human” call centers being always present 24/7, they immediately provide answers to the most straightforward questions that users ask themselves, generating satisfaction from part of the customer, they accompany the user until the purchase by recommending the best products or services for him and finally outline a perfect profile of the interlocutor, trying then, at a later time, to propose other things to see or buy.

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