The Optimal Images For Your Facebook Advertising

The most crucial aspect of your Facebook advertisement is the image. No matter how good your text may be, your ad will not generate any attention or clicks without an appealing idea. In this article, we would like to share our experience designing and optimizing Facebook advertisements with you, with the visual aspects being the focus.

This article will learn what to consider when creating your ads to increase your click-through rate and get maximum performance. The following statements apply to almost all advertising formats in the social network.

Optical Aspects Of Your Pictures

Pay Attention To The Correct Resolution

The first factor is effortless but significant: the resolution of your images. Because the quality of your ad also reflects the quality and seriousness of your company. If your creatives are not of high quality, the entire ad will not look trustworthy to users. So make sure that the images you are using are of the correct resolution. You can find details on the individual advertising formats in our Creative Guide.

Simplicity – Less Is More

Online marketers often tend to put as much content as possible into an ad. However, our experience shows that the same applies to creatives: less is more. Do not overwhelm your users because nobody wants or can absorb too much information at once. Keep your picture simple. The content must be easy to understand when scrolling through quickly and intercept the user.

Show Faces 

Pictures with people work best on Facebook. So don’t just show your product. Associate it with people who use it and are similar to your target audience. In doing so, focus mainly on the facial expressions of the person depicted. Show emotions and follow the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Your picture should primarily serve as an eye-catcher. The message of your ad can still be placed in the title and description.

However, try to avoid “typical” stock photos. Users increasingly identify these and ignore corresponding advertisements. Instead, look for unique images that offer identification potential and convey a particular mood and personality. Ideally, you create your pictures yourself, of course. You don’t even need a professional photographer or the appropriate equipment with a bit of attention to detail.

Colors: Avoid Blue 

Ideally, avoid using Facebook colors in your ads. The users are used to the colors and hardly notice your ads. Use complementary colors or bright signal colors instead. If your corporate identity still contains blue, you should draw a high-contrast frame around your picture.

Content Aspects In Your Pictures

Contents & Texts: Only The Most Important! 

There is no general answer to the question of whether and what should appear on your advertisements – it differs from advertising to promotion. Nevertheless, you should avoid too much text and, if at all, only put essential things on your picture.

Examples of text on creatives include:

  1. The benefit of your product is explained briefly and concisely
  2. The provocative question that the user gets stuck on
  3. A result that comes about through the use of your product
  4. Pick up on the “pain” of  your users so that they can identify themselves directly and want to know the solution
  5. Call-to-actions that encourage the user to click

Must Have: Your Logo 

While your logo doesn’t usually attract as much attention as a person or bright colors, it can undoubtedly help future conversions. Place your logo prominently and increase the recognition value of your brand.

Avoid Click Buttons

A common reason why Facebook does not display your ad is “remodeled click buttons,” – so avoid them at all costs. Nevertheless, you can use “Call-to-Actions” in standard text form, encouraging the user to click. 


Funny pictures usually generate a lot of clicks. If they suit your company, there’s nothing wrong with using them. Please note, however, that humorous images also appeal to many users who have no intention to buy.

A / B Tests 

Understanding image selection and creation best practices are helpful, but they are not substitutes for an A / B test. Create at least two identical advertisements and swap the images. Let both ads run in parallel until you get meaningful data about their quality. Then, turn the lower display, and distribute your budget on the ad with a better image.


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