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Smart Home: The Most Common Problems & How To Solve Them

Indeed, even the most famous and laid out IoT gadgets can prompt minor, huge issues. Luckily, the arrangements are around the bend. Home mechanization is entering a steadily expanding number of homes. Consistently many individuals purchase an IoT gadget: a wise item that permits you to change your home into a characteristic savvy home. Occasionally, fledgling clients and Internet of Things specialists risk issues connected with the smart home, its gadgets, and their association. 

The issues can concern numerous perspectives, ranging from the gadget’s design to its association with the home Internet organization. Furthermore, once more, we go from strategic issues to those of decision. Also, the dangers connected with security: the assurance of one’s most private information and the gamble of experiencing an outer assault by evil individuals. Fortunately, the arrangements are within reach in many of the above cases. Everything revolves around assessing your necessities all the more cautiously and, afterward, moving appropriately.

Wi-Fi Connection Problems

One of the most common problems concerning home automation and IoT devices is certainly that relating to the connection. To function correctly, the various instruments of a smart home must necessarily share the same Internet connection. But sometimes, the smart TV or the smart refrigerator cannot be connected. A difficulty can arise even if all the steps indicated in the relevant manuals are followed correctly. It may happen that the different devices are not compatible with the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz Wi-Fi bands. Two acronyms that might say little to a less experienced user but which, however, involve different technologies and performances.  

Sometimes it happens that a smart device cannot connect to the network. It could be a compatibility issue with the Wi-Fi band. The 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi band usually rewards range at the expense of transmission speed. On the other hand, the 5 GHz Wi-Fi band allows for more data transmission but operates over shorter distances. In this case, rather than seeking a posteriori solution, it is advisable to anticipate the problem by checking the characteristics of your network before making a purchase. 

Logistic Problems

Another problem that could hinder the creation of a smart home concerns the impossibility of carrying out housework. Many users believe home automation systems require invasive interventions, such as drilling the walls. In reality, these are not true beliefs, which provide solutions that are very easy to implement. Many IoT devices work perfectly without any intervention. Think, in this sense, of smart light bulbs, smart appliances, smart TVs, smart speakers, and adapters. Added to this are security and video surveillance systems: IoT technologies of the highest level make a home “smart” without driving even a nail. 

Budget Problems

Many users believe that home automation is an “expensive” science. Or rather, they think that to transform one’s home into a smart home, it is necessary to make heavy investments. In reality, things are not exactly like this: many IoT devices can be purchased by spending a few tens of euros.

They are starting, for example, with smart bulbs and their adapters, which can be bought for around 5 euros per piece. Similarly, the most famous IoT devices are cyclically offered with rather exciting discounts. This is the case, for example, of both Amazon and Google devices: devices that allow you to interact with the famous voice assistants Alexa and Assistant.

Which Voice Assistant To Choose?

Speaking of voice assistants, many users interested in investing in home automation face a fundamental dilemma: is it better to opt for Alexa or Assistant? In this case, the solutions, or rather the answers, vary from user to user. Everything establishes which aspects you have most at heart: the characteristics considered fundamental for your voice assistant.

The suggestion is to study the IoT devices that integrate with the artificial intelligence made by Amazon and Google. In addition, it is always advisable to check the compatibility of smart objects in your home. And again, check the list of applications and devices that can integrate with the chosen voice assistant.

Privacy Issues

Another problem users feel when it comes to home automation is undoubtedly that of privacy. Even in this case, however, providing solutions that are valid for everyone is at least complicated. These are issues that depend above all on the sensitivity of each person and on the level of trust that is nurtured in science. Also, it is undeniable: that living in contact with IoT devices that are always connected can be alarming. 

Especially if the devices in question are equipped with technologies capable of absorbing sensitive information, this is the case with surveillance cameras and simple microphones installed in Bluetooth speakers. Other problems related to privacy concern malicious hackers: computer experts who could sneak into the network through the various intelligent objects of a smart home. From this point of view, however, the solutions are there, and they are not too difficult to practice. The first is to create sufficiently complicated passwords and, above all, not to use the same password to access different components and services.

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