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Marketing Opportunities In The Metaverse

The presence of an ever-increasing number of brands in the metaverse affirms the conceivable outcomes connected to the new advanced world: this is the thing that is changing in the advertising approach. The metaverse isn’t simply where people can draw near one another in an exceptionally vivid manner — a computerized world wherein to have a great time and mingle. The metaverse is additionally a better approach for figuring out work. Organizations will want to put together inner gatherings and meetings at some point.

Similarly, there is a rising presence of brands in the metaverse consistently. The big names quickly tracked down the various potential outcomes connected to this new utilization of computer-generated reality, increased reality, and the Internet. Then again, deals with unique open doors and promoting open doors in the metaverse are limitless. Particularly thinking that the undertaking is in its early stages and that (basically) nobody can express how far it will want to go.

Simultaneously notwithstanding, there are a few points of reference that assist in comprehending how significant it will be to figure out how to put resources into the metaverse. Consider natural factors like Decentraland or Sandbox: two of the main stages given life to complex advanced universes. Both Decentraland and Sandbox were utilized to showcase methodologies and open doors. All while always remembering the universe of online exchanges, tokens, and NFTs.

What Is The Metaverse?

The metaverse is a concept born almost for fun. It is a word coined for the first time in 1992 within a cyberpunk science fiction novel. A term that describes a new digital world can be considered an evolution of the Internet. The digital world imagined by the novelist Neal Stephenson has therefore transformed into a reality shared by the most incredible entrepreneurs. Suffice it to say that, in October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg even decided to change the name of Facebook to Meta forever: a gesture that explains better than many words the intention to invest more and more in the metaverse. 

At this historical moment, the creation of virtual worlds is only in its infancy. There are already several marketing opportunities in the metaverse: the sale of spaces, products, and free transactions between users. It is no coincidence that the current landscape is already sufficiently complex. It ranges from brands’ presence in the metaverse to NFT or non-fungible token circulation. Not to mention that some metaverse examples even have their currency. 

Opportunities For Brands

The presence of different brands in the metaverse is a constantly growing phenomenon. More and more companies, realities, and signatures note the possibilities linked to this new digital world. In addition, there are many different types of business applications within realities, such as Sandbox or Decentraland. It ranges from marketing in the metaverse to real sales opportunities.

The most striking feature of the metaverse understood as the evolution of the Internet involves an impressive number of people in the same digital space. This is true for brands intended as companies and for individual entrepreneurs: public personalities, political personalities, great actors, great athletes, etc. Appearing inside the metaverse, perhaps in the context of a particular circumstance or event, can lead to involving people from all over the world.

Think, in this sense, of the historic concert played by rapper Travis Scott in the Fortnite video game. Travis Scott’s was a wonderful international life organized within a virtual world. The rapper made an appointment in a specific game area at an agreed time, managing to involve almost 12 million players. A result that helps to understand more than many words, the actual possibilities available to those interested in marketing in the metaverse. 

Examples Of Brands In The Metaverse

Buying showcase spaces within the metaverse can allow brands to set up real shops or temporary stores to be activated on specific occasions. This is the case, for example, of an operation carried out by Coca-Cola in 2021: an auction that lasted only a few days, during which different types of goods were put up for sale. On the one hand, virtual products are specifically designed within the Decentraland metaverse. On the other hand, physical objects are sent to the winner.

Another striking case is that of Adidas Originals in collaboration with Prada. The two brands have launched together with a natural metaverse extension involving thousands of users. Several brands have implemented sales and marketing strategies in the metaverse: Coca-Cola, Adidas, Prada, and Nike. The project also included launching a collection of NFTs or non-fungible tokens. NFTs are virtual tokens that have practically nothing to do with the concept of “money.”

NFTs are much more like works of art than currencies. These are goods that present precisely those characteristics of irreproducibility and uniqueness typical of a painting, a statue, etc. Remaining on the subject of shoes and sportswear, it should finally be emphasized that Nike has also decided to invest in the metaverse. The “mustache” brand has bought an NFT fashion company: a reality that deals with creating digital sneakers—unique assets that use the blockchain to guarantee their originality.


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