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IT Consultancy: What t Is

IT consultancy is a particular sector of consultancy that has become essential in recent years for the development of any company due to the rapid technological evolution we are witnessing. Technology has become one of the cornerstones for the survival and success of every business because it allows us to keep up with the sudden changes in the reference markets and, therefore, with the renewed opportunities they offer. 

This is why turning to an IT consultant is the best choice a company can make to outsource work and better manage the infrastructure. But what exactly is IT Consulting? Let’s find out together by analyzing the main advantages and then how to choose the best IT consultancy.

What Is IT Consulting?

In English, it can also be defined as “Business and Technology Consulting” or “IT Consulting.” We are talking about IT consultancy or, conversely, a particular kind of consultancy that offers expert support. This can be held by a solitary master or a whole group, contingent upon the size of the undertaking and the sort of mediation.

The IT expert counsels the organization on the proper utilization of ICT advances to accomplish its goals. A software house likewise works much the same as an IT expert, yet it is principally shown if you need to create or have overseen programming (like a CMS or CRM). Much of the time, particularly in those pioneering fundamental factors that miss the mark on genuine IT foundation, the consultancy action appears as the plan, ensuring execution and the executives of the whole framework.

Everything begins with a cautious investigation of the particular business needs. In this manner will presenting the best answer for the customer be conceivable. In this specific circumstance, we track down the figure of the framework expert to satisfy this errand.

Who Does The Consultancy?

Instead, the service concerns the development of customized software for the organization; the professional is a functional analyst, a programmer, a programming analyst, or a tester. The IT consultant can also lend his work, finalizing it to the hardware aspect of networks, equipment, or telecommunications systems. This implies that each expert has his exact area of action where he practices. No doubt, the bigger the size of the counseling firm, the more prominent the possibility of finding various figures concentrated exclusively in one area. 

As expected, IT consultancy, as of late, has been assuming a significant part in organizations’ turn of events. Like this, the IT consultancy market itself is increasing. Future assessments are hopeful because of the computerized change process we are at long last seen in the corporate circle. Luckily, in any case, the circumstance is working after some time, and, surprisingly, little pioneering fundamental factors progressively comprehend the significance of handling this cycle, accordingly having the option to depend on a proficient accomplice who can lead them by the hand along this way, which is just about as perplexing as needs be.

What Does Computer Consulting Or IT Consulting Do?

The term IT consultancy indicates numerous activities which, in many cases, are complementary to each other and which, as mentioned, involve different professional figures. A valid IT consultancy service should be able to grow with its customers, consequently taking charge of all the IT problems that gradually arise and providing the best solution to solve them from time to time. And this is also valid in cases where the IT system has yet to be supplied by the consultancy firm, a persistent situation. 

Any project tackled in the corporate IT environment must ensure precise minimum standards, both in terms of quality and safety, and this is as valid for physical devices as it is for software. In the current state of things, many IT services are present in companies, starting from file sharing and arriving navigation monitoring, but also passing through firewalling systems and those linked to cloud connectivity. An IT consultancy, therefore, finds its application in numerous areas, including:

Corporate Networks And File Sharing

One of the most heartfelt and delicate issues for a company certainly concerns the creation of a corporate network. Paradoxically, however, when an infrastructure of this type is already present within the organization, this element often needs to be addressed and, consequently, better managed. On the contrary, it is of fundamental importance to analyze in depth the needs of that precise context, considering all aspects: number of users, credential management, services to be shared, security systems, and much more.


The security field is the one that, over the years, has brought the most significant number of companies towards IT consultancy. We are talking about a sector full of critical issues since intrusions into corporate networks, computer attacks, malware, and viruses are increasingly on the agenda and, above all, in rapid evolution. This situation requires a certain flexibility and quick reaction to changes. Any unresolved critical issue can lead to flaws in the system, with disastrous consequences for the company.


Depending on the size of the organization, the geographical distribution, the number of connected users, and the type of connected devices, an IT consultancy must be able to propose specific and different solutions. These will have to be personalized to the needs of the context, with increasing levels of reliability, and above all, implementable as these needs change.

Cloud Solutions

The diffusion of an increasing number of cloud solutions is allowing companies to understand the importance of lightening the internal IT infrastructure. This is because a similar condition leads to a significant reduction in management and maintenance costs. In this case, an IT consultancy must be able to verify and establish which services can be transferred to the cloud. 

In this case, the choice is conditioned by factors such as the cost/benefit ratio, safety, reliability, and much more. All elements can only be evaluated independently by having the right skills. For this reason, they require an IT consultancy’s intervention to guide the company in the transition to cloud services.


This area, too, must be carefully evaluated based on company needs, therefore according to the parameters of the number of offices, users, the type of services available through the network, and much more. Companies often need help understanding the difference between the various services a corporate telephone network can offer and a domestic one; therefore, choosing the best offer on the market is complicated to manage independently. As in others, IT consultancy also plays a vital role in this situation.

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