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Improving Internet Connectivity: Tips & Tricks

There Is A Need To Catch Up On The General Data Transmission Rate

The advancing digitization also ensures that the amount of data to be transmitted constantly increases. Directly related to this is that more and more computerized applications require a fast and stable internet connection. This includes cloud-based applications such as remote connections, video telephony and numerous other uses. 

Last but not least, the disproportionately increased importance of the home office has revealed that many users have a lot of catching up to do. The WLAN range may need to be increased, or the general data transfer rate may need to be higher. But no matter the reason in detail, you can always change this status – sometimes even on your own. We have five tips and tricks for improving internet connectivity in the office or home.

Book A Fare With Greater Speed

The best way to solve some problems is to start at the root. If your Internet connection does not show any unusual signs of failure and no radio-based problems are an option, the speed is often too low because the tariff with your provider is too small. The following steps are recommended here:

  1. First, consult the contract documents to determine what speed (typically specified in megabits per second, Mbit/s) was agreed upon.
  2. Make screenshots of the individual results (“Print” key or “Win+Shift+S” and then draw a frame with the mouse on Windows 10 computers).
  3. You should contact your provider if the mean value is significantly too low (>20%) than the contractually agreed. Sometimes you have a special right to termination. If your speed is below 50Mbps, you should talk to him about an upgrade. 
  4. Before you agree to such an upgrade, you should find out more about how the provider connects your home and, if necessary, describe the market. Indeed, most Internet providers now use very high-performance fiber optic cable, the so-called fiber optic cable.

However, there are great differences. In many cases, the fiber optic connection only extends to the next junction box (the so-called FTTC technology, “Fiber to the Curb”). But from there, it goes via copper cable over the “last mile”. Contingent upon the innovation, this restricts the paces to a limit of 100 Mbit/s. For a long-term, future-proof supply – also in the face of further increasing data volumes – you should consider getting an FTTB (“Building””) or even FTTH (“Home””) connection. The former at least opens up the building. The latter goes into every apartment. This means speeds of up to 10 Gbit/s are possible.

Associate The Work PC By Link If Conceivable

For many people today, the primary connection between the computer and the DSL modem is a wireless connection via a WLAN router (the router and modem are usually built into one housing). WLAN is an extremely high-recurrence radio association in the gigahertz range. If you use WLAN, your provider can be ruled out as the source of transmission speeds that need to be higher, and there are perhaps connection problems. This wireless connection can be the cause. This is because of the accompanying eccentricity: The higher a radio frequency, the

  1. Their possible range is lower.
  2. Their ability to penetrate materials is worse.
  3. Easily, other electromagnetic radiation can interfere.

In this sense, WLAN is comfortable but could be better regarding possible speeds and security against interference. Even outdoors without obstacles, a hundred meters can be reached at best with commercially available routers. Indoors, especially when the signal has to penetrate many walls, furniture and the like, it is also significantly less.

Better Connection With A Network Cable

If you have the space, you should therefore try to connect computers and other devices that require the best possible connectivity to your router using a network cable (“LAN cable””) – most routers have at least one connection socket for this, too practically all computers (exception: particularly flat, compact notebooks). In addition, you should set up a cable connection as a test, even if there are frequent connection problems. Assuming it fixes the issue, the wellspring of the reason is reduced.

Optimize The Placement Of The Wireless Router

Depending on how far away your computer is from the router, it is sometimes not possible in practice to set up a cable-based connection – for example, because holes must be bored in a few walls and roofs. In such a case, you should try positioning your wireless router to minimize the “barriers” for the wireless signals.

  1. First, imagine the many walls/ceilings between the computer and the router.
  2. Then see if (and if so, how) you can move the router closer to the computer or position it so that there are fewer obstacles between them while maintaining the same distance. But also remember that the router requires at least two cable connections: one to the power supply and the other to the telephone or cable wall socket.

It can be immensely helpful here if you install an app, usually free of charge, on a smartphone that allows you to measure the WLAN signal strength close to the computer. It would help if you established a connection with the strongest possible signal by repositioning the router and the computer.

Adjust The Direction Of Radiation Of The Router Antenna(s)

Like a walkie-talkie, every WLAN router also has an antenna to send out the radio signal and receive it from the computer. Nonetheless, this likewise implies that the arrangement of the radio wire is both a wellspring of blunder and a chance for development.

Recognize Radiation Characteristics

For this, you have to understand that depending on its design. Each antenna has good and bad directions (so-called “radiation characteristics”). For example, imagine a rod antenna like the one you might have attached to your wireless router or radio. Such an antenna has a “doughnut”-shaped radiation pattern.

This means that the antenna radiates most strongly and has the best reception in a full circle around the antenna rod and at right angles to it. Conversely, the values ​​would be at their worst if this antenna were pointed like an outstretched finger towards the receiver/transmitter – for example, your computer. How you utilize this information for advancement relies upon your switch:

  1. If the router doesn’t have any visible antennas, it’s usually best to place it horizontally unless the manual says otherwise.
  2. If there are small “fins” or “croissants” on the router, these are disguised rod antennas. Then position the router as previously described.
  3. It is easiest if the router has external (usually adjustable) rod antennas. Please put them in a position that also corresponds to the procedure mentioned.

In the case of routers with internal antennas, the possible performance is, unfortunately, often reduced in favor of a restrained look. On the off chance that the arrangement doesn’t discernibly work on your network, you can do the accompanying:

  1. Buy a switch with outer receiving wires yet no underlying modem (here and there sold as a “passage”).
  2. Interface this switch to your past switch utilizing a LAN link as indicated by the directions.
  3. Go to the old routers menu on your computer. Switch off the WLAN function there.
  4. Configure the WiFi connection in the new router’s menu.

This sounds more complex than it is in practice. The vast majority of devices have self-explanatory menus if, in doubt, the operating instructions will help you.

Maximize The Radiated Power Of The WiFi Signal

You can also choose this final option. However, you can also apply them before trying steps 3 and 4. You need to know that the higher the power at which a WiFi signal is broadcast, the stronger, more widespread and more penetrating it becomes. However, many routers need to do this in the basic configuration.

Here, an “eco mode” or a comparative, diminished power mode is often set as a norm to decrease power utilization. That implies the switch is more fragile than it could. Once more, the arrangement is to utilize your PC to get to the router’s settings menu. Search for “power” or “power utilization” and such. You can choose other power levels there or switch off the eco mode.

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