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From Google, A New Tool For Privacy-Proof Marketing Campaigns

Google intends to help companies and marketers design their digital presence and marketing campaigns while respecting user privacy. Two out of three are still skeptical about how companies use their data for marketing purposes. Those who want to invest in digital advertising cannot fail to take this into account, just as they cannot take into account that it is the ” receptivity” towards online advertising that improves – up to three times – when people feel they can trust how companies treat their data and their personal information. 

If a good digital presence is essential, now that at least one in two people is connected to the Internet every day. For a large part of the day, it is equally crucial to develop a genuinely privacy-proof digital presence: the new Google Marketing Privacy Planner Helps companies do this.

Google Marketing Privacy Planner: What It Is And What It Is For

Google Marketing Privacy Planner is essentially a “self-assessment ” tool – so we read in the introduction to the agency – which will help companies and the marketing professionals to whom they have turned to develop an effective digital marketing strategy and, at the same time, be respectful of user data and privacy. Among the numerous advertising solutions of the Google universe, that is, the new tool will select those most suited to the needs of individual users, taking into account both the marketing objectives set and to be achieved and the need to be respectful of privacy and compliant with main rules on the processing of personal data.

How The New Google Tool For The Privacy Of Digital Marketing Campaigns Works

Through three stages, the new Google Marketing Privacy Planner will want to help clients, whether they are, as referenced above, organizations or advanced advertising experts, to distinguish regions and basic strides for their computerized speculations relying upon the size and sort of the board of the business, its set of experiences and its way of thinking, the targets to be accomplished and in what time skyline. 

During the main stage, the actual clients will be called to respond to questions regarding what is, at present, the computerized showcasing and information on the board methodology of their business or that of their clients. In the second stage, we will meticulously describe the situation with questions that worry all the more intently about three regions of the automated procedure, like Collection, Measurement, and Activation, with the chance of developing these ideas and the arrangements presented by Google in each field. 

In the third and last stage, when the survey has been finished. The responses given have been examined, and the device will recognize at which level, among the four accessible of Exploration, Start-up, Validation, and Consolidation, every client is found and will propose, to the people who demand the complete report, a plan of customized suggestions and apparatuses that can be enacted to add your promoting targets quicker however regarding the protection of clients and to guarantee the honesty of their information. 

Further highlights might be added to the Google Marketing Privacy Planner, as of now accessible in beta and see renditions, considering the criticism that will come from the market and consistently taking into account the objective of a superior split between the viability of (computerized) promoting methodologies and regard for client protection. Mainly since the nearer and nearer future is a “cookieless” future.

Also Read: Google Announces The End Of Advertising Targeting Teenagers

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