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From Blockchain To AI: The Tech Trends To Focus On In 2022

For companies, public and private entities, it will be essential this year to familiarize themselves with technological solutions such as AI, blockchain, and augmented reality: here are the main tech trends for 2022. There are directions in which technology will move relatively easy to guess: the smart glasses born from the partnership between Facebook and Ray-Ban suggest an imminent future made of increasingly commercial augmented reality and virtual reality devices, accessible in the price and intended to reach for this critical mass and this is just one example among many possible. 

Other developments in the technological field will certainly have a more strategic impact on businesses and people. Still, institutions and the management of public life and, not surprisingly, experts and professionals look to these when they try to predict the 2022 tech trends.

The Blockchain Is The Protagonist Of The Imminent Future Of Technology

An attempt will be made to decentralize finance, social networks, and the distribution systems of goods and services. This will have advantages in terms of security and invulnerability of decentralized systems. In the business environment, the result of decentralization will be the so-called distributed enterprises, that is, literally “distributed enterprises” in which digital technologies play a crucial role in shaping so much experience of employees and the workforce as to the touchpoints that allow them to reach customers and final consumers. 

Contingent factors, such as the fact that to cope with new waves of contagion caused by the most recent variants of the coronavirus, many will choose to continue working remotely and move with alternative means, will make the distributed enterprise model a winner. However, decentralizing and distributing rhyme from an operational point of view, especially with blockchain. It is no coincidence that the “blocked chain” is the protagonist of many tech forecasts for 2022.

The blockchain and DLT platforms will help companies to reimagine how to bring their identity to life and manage it together with their brand, the data they have available, copyright and professional certifications and any other physical asset or digital “. There are possible applications of the blockchain that are popular and often in the spotlight of the news, such as cryptocurrencies and how not to have become more recently, for example. However, as many of the experts whom FastCompany has asked to define the main tech trends 2022 point out, blockchain has more applications and in more fields than is commonly imagined: from finTech to the management of supply chains in the most diverse production sectors, only two examples. 

Using Technology To Take Care Of Data And Digital Security Will Be A Must In 2022

The blockchain will also act as an enabling technology for the so-called web 3.0: it is ” a version of the web that returns ownership of the data to users “, they write from  FastCompany, trying to summarize one of the most central aspects in the complex definition of cos is web 3.0 and how it will work. This new evolution of the web will likely be something very close to the semantic web and the geospatial web that the founders of the Net have imagined for some time. 

However, the focus on data depends on two forces that are, in many ways, opposite. It will be strategic for any organization to ” unlock value ” from a large amount of available data: this implies the need to make information sharing more accessible, more immediate, and a more functional approach. The goal of data factories is systems that guarantee a ” flexible and resilient ” integration could be given this objective»

Of the data present on the various platforms and recoverable from these, making them available anywhere and regardless of their original location and lowering – according to some estimates up to 70% – the efforts and investments required in data management. On the other hand, it cannot be ignored that more and more states, bodies and institutions have placed – and will continue to do so in the future – attention to citizens’ data and their integrity by issuing regulations, rules, and principles of ad hoc self-discipline. : also, preserving data using the help of technology will be among the 2022 tech trends and privacy-enhancing computing.

Data analysis and computation techniques with additional protections for integrity and confidentiality of the same could be a win-win solution. Many points of view will be attributed in the coming months to the task of ” fixing the Internet “. Therefore, a central theme will continue to be, in 2022, how technology and its applications can improve cybersecurity. It will be close to a period in which the pandemic has only multiplied IT risks and pitfalls for both individual users and companies, and institutional subjects.

A possible solution comes from architectures capable of integrating different systems and so-called self-standing security solutions to obtain as much protection against any IT risk. The solution against ransomware, supply chain and third-party attacks and other more common cyber threats is, above all in cyber AI: artificial intelligence applied to cybersecurity will allow organizations not only to respond faster to attacks but also and above all to prevent them well in advance through a more efficient risk analysis.

Why (And How) Artificial Intelligence Drives Tech Trends 2022

Artificial intelligence plays a leading role in the 2022 tech trends thanks to its ” enormous implications in practically every business “, as the Future above Today Institute wrote. Looking at the main trends for AI in 2022 allows companies, marketers, and everyone else to understand better ​​why and how it is worthwhile to invest in artificial intelligence today.

The months to come will be, in particular, those of the so-called generative AI, that is artificial intelligence capable of “learning” from data and information already at its disposal and giving life to new creations similar to the “model” ones, but in all respects original: the most common applications of generative AI will be, not surprisingly, in the field of content. 

2022 will also be the year of ” do it yourself in AI “: a certain familiarity with this type of technology and its applications will allow even simple users to customize them according to their needs. And their preferences and, why not, even train the digital assistants who exploit them. Speaking of AI, however, issues such as transparency, inclusion, and bias will also be of increasing priority. It is time to start thinking about the ethics of artificial intelligence.


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